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Spotting cancer early saves lives


small c campaign

The 'small c' campaign is run by North Central London Cancer Alliance. It aims to provide people in our region (north and east London) with the information they need to live healthily and recognise the signs and symptoms of cancer.

Increasing numbers of people are surviving cancer and this is because it is detected and treated at early stage. For these survivors, stopping cancer when it was still small, before it had time to spread to other parts of the body, turned the 'Big C' into a 'small c' – a serious but not fatal disease. The 'small c' campaign wants this to be the experience for more people diagnosed with cancer.

Browse our website to find out more about signs and symptoms of the most common cancers, details of campaigns in north and east London and information about local services to help you stay healthy.

If you'd like more information about the 'small c' campaign, please fill in the form here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. We're not able to answer any individual medical questions. If you are worried about signs or symptoms in your own body please visit your GP.

Why spotting cancer early is important

Early diagnosis of cancer can lead to treatment that can save lives. Cancer that’s diagnosed at an early stage, before it has spread is more likely to be treated successfully. Find out more about spotting cancer early here.

Cancer screening saves lives

Taking advantage of regular cancer screening programmes available to you can significantly improve the chances of catching any cancers in their early, and therefore more easily treatable, stages. There are three types of cancer screening for adults in England, breast, bowel and cervical. Find out more here.

Get involved in the YouScreen study

YouScreen is a research study that will offer women and people with a cervix in north and east London the opportunity to take a self-sample for cervical screening. Click here to find out more about taking part.