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Get Involved - YouScreen

What is the YouScreen study?

YouScreen was a research study that offered 31,000 women and people with a cervix in north and east London the opportunity to take a self-sample for cervical screening. It took place between February and December 2021. London has the lowest rate of cervical screening in England. People who do not come regularly for cervical screening are more likely to develop cervical cancer. By offering YouScreen self-sampling kits our aim was to make cervical screening easier and to encourage more people to be screened.

YouScreen kits were offered in two different ways: by post or at a GP practice that is signed up. Those registered as female with their GP living in Barnet, Camden, Islington, Newham and Tower Hamlets, whose GP practice is taking part, may be invited. If you are not registered as female with your GP and you have a cervix, your GP may invite you directly.

The YouScreen study has been completed and kits are no longer available.

The results of the YouScreen study were published on 17 July 2024. Read about the positive outcome of the study and the impact it could have on the future of HPV testing and cervical screening.


The information below explains how the YouScreen study worked.  

What is the YouScreen kit?

The YouScreen kit allows people to take their own sample for cervical screening using a vaginal swab (like a long cotton bud). It is free, easy to use and can be taken at a time and place that is convenient. You do not need to be examined or to have an appointment. Most people find it comfortable and pain free. The sample collected will be tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) at the laboratory.

Who can take part in the YouScreen study?

The YouScreen kits are being offered to people who are overdue their cervical screening as part of a study. Those registered as female with their GP living in Barnet, Camden, Islington, Newham and Tower Hamlets, whose practice is taking part may be invited. If you are not registered as female with your GP and you have a cervix, your GP may invite you directly. 

What does taking part involve?

People who are invited to take part in the YouScreen study will need to:

  • Follow the instructions in the YouScreen kit and in this video to take a self-sample 
  • Write the date the sample was taken on the sample tube
  • Fill in the laboratory consent form
  • Fill in the questionnaire included in the kit
  • Send sample (completed kit) to the laboratory in the freepost envelope
  • Send back the completed questionnaire 



Is a self-sample as effective as a sample taken by a doctor or nurse?

A sample taken by a doctor or nurse is most effective. However, a self-sample is a very good alternative if a woman does not wish to have a cervical screening sample taken by a doctor or nurse. Self-sampling is already being offered routinely in other countries with high-quality cervical screening programmes. Research shows that 99 out of 100 people are able to do self-sampling properly.

How do women find out their YouScreen test results?

After the YouScreen kit is posted to the laboratory, results will be sent by letter to their address within 14 days. A copy of the result will also be sent to their GP.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Some people find it difficult to make an appointment for cervical screening because they are busy or their GP practice is busy. Some people may find it uncomfortable or embarrassing to have a test taken by a doctor or nurse. People who are offered a YouScreen kit will be able to take a test for cervical screening without having to be examined or to make an appointment.

In other studies, some women who had not been for routine cervical screening and took a self-sample were found to have abnormal cervical cells and were successfully treated.

Is information available in another language?

If you have received an invitation to the YouScreen study and need the information in another language, click on the relevant link below.

Who organised and funded the study?

The YouScreen study was funded by the North Central London and North East London Cancer Alliances. It had the support and approval of NHS England London Region and Public Health England. The study was sponsored by University College London and the research was led by the Cancer Prevention Trials Unit at King’s College London.


What is HPV?

What is HPV?

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Data Handling

Data Handling

Contact the YouScreen team

Contact the YouScreen team