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Spotting cancer early saves lives

Background to the 'small c'


The ‘small c’ campaign was founded by breast cancer survivor, Susan Cunnington-King.  


The first ‘small c’ local campaigns targeting breast and lung cancer, were launched in east London by a partnership of City and Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest Primary Care Trusts, the North East London Cancer Network and Barts and The London NHS Trust.  The campaigns were funded by the National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative.


The ‘small c’ local campaigns in Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest were extended to include bowel cancer. 


London Cancer, part of UCLPartners, took a central coordinating role for  ‘small c’ campaigns in its catchment area, and was commissioned by Camden Clinical Commissioning Group to lead a ‘small c’ campaign in Camden, in partnership with the Camden and Islington public health team.